New Works XR

New Works XR (NWXR) supports new voices in the development of creative technologies and embodied practice. XR (Extended Reality) is an umbrella term encompassing augmented (AR), virtual (VR), and mixed reality technologies. First developed in 2021 between New Works, dance artist Erika Mitsuhashi, and a team of consulting artists and technologists, the program was envisioned as a process-focused space to explore, learn, and expand individual practices on and off screen.

Since that inaugural season, the program has continued to develop and evolve as a residency, learning, and community building space that has remained responsive to the needs and interests of artists. In the shifting landscape of new technologies and practices, the program remains curious, investigative, and artist-led.

Coming Up Next

Be a part of our XR Newsletter to receive updates on performances, workshops, events and call for applications.

opaqueREFUSALS Work in Progress

by danielle Mackenzie Long

Tuesday, Oct 29 | 6pm
Roundhouse Community Centre (181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver)
Free. RSVP required.

About the event:

You're invited to an Open Showing of a Work in Progress come witness and discuss how dance and technology can interact together.

Bubble wrap represents a restrictive binary structure that is meant to be disrupted. danielle Mackenzie Long is drawn to the way in which the material evolves through deflation and puncturing in order to provide safety to a delicate object, just as bodies evolve in various ways to support gender affirmation of trans people. Playing with the transparency of bubble wrap in both live and digital spaces, danielle uses it to conceal, distort, and ultimately reveal the complexity of intersecting genderqueer identities.

opaqueREFUSALS is a slowly developing two-part work; one part live performance, one part interactive online animated visual "zine." Its creation process embraces the intimacy required of pursuing dances working in relation to technology, and what emerges from digital glitches that occur.

Learn more>>

*More details about upcoming XR events and offerings will be shared here soon.

Meet the XR Team

NWXR has been generously stewarded by a diversity of voices who have helped to shape, push, and lead the XR program since it’s inception.

Past Seasons

NWXR activities have been supported by mentors, workshop leaders, panelists, community partners and audience in residence members including :


Alexandra Caprara - XR Program Coordinator

Caroline MacCaull - XR Artist 

Chimerik 似不像 Collective - XR Artist 

danielle Mackenzie Long - XR Artist

Freya Björg Olafson - XR Artist 

Gemma Crowe - XR Program Director 

Nancy Lee - XR Artist 

prOphecy Sun - XR Artist 

Sarah U - XR Artist

Simran Sachar - XR Artist 

Sierra Megas - XR Program Manager 


Carey Dodge, Boca del Lupo - XR Partner

Caroline MacCaull, Chimerik 似不像 Collective - XR Partner

Casey Koyczan - XR Partner 

danielle Mackenzie Long - XR Artist, Artist in Residence 

Emily Carr University of Art + Design - XR Partner

Emmalena Fredriksson - XR Partner

Freya Björg Olafson - XR Mentor 

Gemma Crowe - XR Program Director 

Ian Garrett, Toaster Lab - XR Mentor 

Ian Lavery - XR Mentor

James Albers - XR Artist, Artist in Residence 

Jay Dodge, Boca del Lupo - XR Partner 

Nancy Lee - XR Mentor 

New Media Gallery - XR Partner

Sammy Chien, Chimerik 似不像 Collective - XR Partner

Sarah U - XR Artist, Artist in Residence

Sierra Megas - XR Program Manager

Simran Sachar - XR Artist, Artist in Residence

2021 - 2022 

Eric Cheung - XR Artist

Erika Mitsuhashi - XR Program Director

Ian Garrett, Toaster Lab - XR Mentor

Jacob Niedzweicki - XR Mentor

Kevin Li - XR Artist

Sierra Megas - XR Program Manager


Top Photo: Simran Gupta